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The Evolution of the Simulated Signature by the Forger
International Journal of Law in Changing World (IJLCW), 2nd Issue of Volume 1, December 2022. [Citation :Kipouràs, P. (2022). The Evolution of the Simulated Signature by the Forger. International Journal of Law in Changing World, 1 (2), 60-72.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54934/ijlcw.v1i2.25
The Use of Digital Technology for Enhancing Proof in Forensic Document Examination
Legal Analytics: The Future of Analytics in Law”, CRC, Taylor & Francis, Ch.13, DOI: 10.1201/9781003215998-13, p.151-175
Γραφολογική Γνωμοδότηση / Πραγματογνωμοσύνη και Φωτοαντίγραφο Σύγχρονα Ζητήματα Απόδειξης στην Ποινική Δίκη
Εκδ. Σάκκουλα, ENOBE 77, 2022, p.83 ISBN 978-960-648-584-8
Συμβατότητα Νομικής και Γραφολογικής Έννοιας «Διαδικαστικών Πράξεων» στην Πραγματογνωμοσύνη
Ελληνική Δικαιοσύνη, 2/2022(63), σελ. 332-336 (Μάρτιος-Ᾱπρίλιος 2022)
The Application of Graphometry in Forensics in the Digital Era: Issues and Perspectives
Chapter in The Digital Environment Right, 01.2022
Forensic Science Activity in Globalization Context
Pavlos Kipouras, Inessa Ovsiannykova, Theory and Practice of Forensic Science and Criminalistics 25(3):169-184, December 2021
Construction of Evidence and Defensive Role of Forensic Handwriting Examination
XVIII International Conference of Criminalistics and Forensic Expertology, Bratisalva 16 -17.09.2021
Document Examination-Graphological Analysis in Handwritings Expertise, Theoretical-Practical Issues.
Forensic Examination of Belarus 2021, No 1 (12), 22.07.2021
Why Two Genuine Signatures are Never Identical in Practice: Evidence and Scientific Explanation
Pàvlos Kipouràs, Christos Kosmidis, Dimitrios E. Skarpalezos, IJISET – International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 8 Issue 4, April 2021
IJISET reference
Evidence for a 3-stage Model for the Process of Free-hand Forgery of Signatures and / or Handwriting
IJISET – International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 8 Issue 1, January 2021
IJISET reference
The Importance of Historical Data of the Case in Expert’s Report
XVI Criminalistics and forensic expertology: science, studies, practice, Lietuvos teismo ekspertizės centras, Lietuvos kriminalistų draugija, Vilnius, 2020, p.261
The Graphological Theory of Girolamo Moretti
Forensic Examination of Belarus • 1 (10) / 2020, p.8.
Investigaciòn Grafotecnica — Current Issues in Expertise
Canal Grafotecnica.com, youtube, Caracas, Venezuela, 3.10.2020
Presentation on YouTube
Methodological Criteria in Graphological Expertise
Slovak Graphological Society, issue 56/2019, p.5
Graphology or Document Examination? Future perspectives and ‘Scuola Forense di Grafologia-SFG’
XV International Congress of Criminalistics and Forensic Expertology, Science, Study, Practice, Kaunas, Lithuania, 09. 2019, Book II, p.168
Diagnostic Value of Grapho-pathology in the Testament’s Comparative Analysis
VII International scientific-practical conference, “Theory and Practice of Moscow of Forensic Examination in Modern Conditions”, Moscow 17 – 18.01.2019, p.28
Elements of Graphological Inconsistency of the Forged Testament
XIV International Congress of Criminalistics and Forensic Expertology, Science, Study, Practice, 13 – 15.09.2018, Odessa, Ukraine, English version, p.300
Anchoring: Cognitive Bias and Numerical Conception
Congress of University of Wroclaw 2018
Complications of a Testament’s Examination
VI International scientific-practical conference, “Theory and Practice of Forensic Examination in Modern Conditions”, 19 – 20.01.2017, Moscow, Russia, p.11.
Testament Examination
Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 44, 2017, Pages 101 – 111, Congress of University of Wroclaw 2016, Poland
DOI: 10.19195/2084-5065.44.8
Morphological Similarity and Graphological Difference
Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 45, 2017, Pages 109 – 121, Congress of University of Wroclaw 2014, Poland, DOI: 10.19195/2084-5065.45.10
Postura e Scrittura con Caratteri Greci (Posture and Handwriting in Greek)
XVII Congresso Nazionale di Grafologia Giudiziaria: PAVLOS KIPOURAS, Dec 16, 2015
Presentation on YouTube
Cronologia delle Comparative ed Esame Grafologico (Chronology of the Comparative Material and Graphological Examination)
XV Congresso Nazionale di Grafologia Giudiziaria: Dott. Pavlos Kipouras, Naples, Italy, Jan 10, 2014
Presentation on YouTube
Collage di Scritture per un Olografo: Aspetti Giuridici, Cronologici e Grafologici (Collage of Handwritings, Judicial, Chronological and Graphological Aspects)
XIV Congresso Nazionale di Grafologia Giudiziaria: Prof. P. Kipouras, Naples, Italy, Dec 13, 2012
Presentation on YouTube